Ellie proceeded to pick the color scheme she preferred for the following stage—a type of aqua blue.
Ellie painstakingly paints the interior, transforming the drab wood concept into a more colorful one.
Making some progress, the interior of the camper is beginning to take shape in the picture below.

The finishing touches were added in the last stages. While Ellie laid new floor tiles, Mary, Ellie’s grandma, assisted with creating the upholstery for the seat cushions and curtains.
Ellie claimed that in order to prepare for her glamper, she gathered a lot of items over the summer.
You can see her bringing in a mannequin decoration that she bought from a warehouse that recently shut down in the picture below.
She stated she obtained a lot of inspiration for her project from Pinterest which helped greatly.

Ellie keeps adding her decorations to the nearly finished Glamper, including a vintage camera, a retro electric fan, and complementing napkins handcrafted by her grandma.
When asked what she plans to do once the project is finished, she replies that she might have a sleepover with her friends or just some quiet time to read and play the ukulele.

Ellie created a stunning glamper with her willpower. It is incredible for someone her age to take on such a large project alone.
Ellie’s mother responds, “I have never told her that she couldn’t do anything,” when asked why her daughter would accept such a challenge.
And with that kind of encouragement, Ellie set out to create something stunning.
Looking at Ellie’s endeavor as a finished product, we should never forget that effort always pays off. If we set our minds to it, we can achieve anything.